Experts in converting product sampling campaigns into exceptional sales results.

Boost your brand with one of New Zealand’s leading product sampling and experiential marketing agencies. At The Generalist Promo, we specialise in connecting your brand with customers, through targeted in-store sampling campaigns, outdoor activations, and experiential marketing.

The Generalist Promo is committed to over-delivering on your expectations by working with you to craft systems and strategies that best support your product sampling campaigns. Our expertise in this field gives us a significant edge over our competitors.

We are experts in product sampling, event staffing, and experiential marketing. Based in New Zealand, our team creates impactful campaigns that connect brands with consumers, driving engagement and brand loyalty. With a focus on in-store sampling, outdoor activations, and creative brand experiences, we help businesses reach their target audience effectively.

Case Studies


In-Store Product Sampling

  • The Generalist Promo represented KUNGFOOD at Countdown and Foodstuffs stores Nationwide.

    A total of 24 x Foodstuffs and 16 x Countdown sessions were completed. This resulted in a total of 40 sessions and 160 demonstration hours undertaken in total.

    The KUNGFOOD Feb 2024 campaign gave shoppers the opportunity to be introduced or reacquainted with the delicious KUNGFOOD range which included the Sensational Spring Rolls, Big Dumpling and Fluffy Steam Buns.

    Our demonstrators were equipped with a fabulous new appliance which enabled them to prepare air-fried and steamed samples in one session.

  • Over 40 sessions, there were 5,217 KUNGFOOD samples given to customers.

    $1 off and $2 off vouchers were also given to customers which proved to be a helpful selling tool.

    Campaign Sales Conversion: 28%

New Zealand Avocado

In-Store Product Sampling

  • The Generalist Promo represented New Zealand Avocado at New World and Countdown stores Nationwide. In-Store demonstrations took place from August 9th – Sept 21st 2023.

    A total of 45 sessions were completed, which were 21 New World and 24 CD sessions. This resulted in a total of 202.5 demonstration hours undertaken in total.

    The New Zealand Avocado campaign gave shoppers the opportunity to be introduced to the many ways that NZ Avocados can be enjoyed. The Amazing Anytime booklets were a fantastic addition to this activity.

  • A total of 45 sessions were completed, which were 21 New World and 24 CD sessions. This resulted in a total of 202.5 demonstration hours undertaken in total.

    Campaign Sales Conversion: 87%

NOM Mochi Bites

In-Store Product Sampling

  • The Generalist Promo represented NOM Mochi Bites at Countdown and Foodstuffs stores Nationwide. In-Store demonstrations took place from Nov 28th – Dec 23rd 2023.

    A total of 55 x Foodstuffs and 37 x Countdown sessions were completed. This resulted in a total of 92 sessions and 368 demonstration hours undertaken in total.

    The NOM Mochi Bites activation gave shoppers the opportunity to be introduced to the delicious NOM range including the new Summer Fruit Mix flavour. $1 off vouchers were also given to customers which were very well received by shoppers.

  • A total of 55 x Foodstuffs and 37 x Countdown sessions were completed. This resulted in a total of 92 sessions and 368 demonstration hours undertaken in total.

    Campaign Sales Conversion:

McCain Pub Style Fries

In-Store Product Sampling

  • The Generalist Promo represented McCain Pub Style Fries in Countdown stores Nationwide.

    A total of 91 x Countdown sessions were completed. This resulted in a total 364 demonstration hours undertaken in total.

    The McCain Pub Style Fries campaign gave shoppers the opportunity to be introduced to the delicious Pub Style range. $1 off vouchers were also given to customers which proved to be a helpful selling tool.

  • Over the promo period, the following statistics were recorded:

    Over 11,000 + customers spoken to in-store.

    Roughly 16,000 $1 off coupons given to shoppers.

    Over 11,000 Pub Fries samples given to customers.

    Campaign Sales Conversion: 20%

Finery 0.0% Sparkling Cocktails

In-Store Product Sampling

  • The Generalist Promo represented Finery at various New World stores in Auckland and Wellington.

    A total of 13 x demonstrations took place at 11 different New World supermarkets. This resulted in a total of 52 live demonstration hours.

    The Finery 0.0% Cocktails campaign gave shoppers the opportunity to be introduced to the Finery brand and sample the 0.0% Sparkling Cocktails.

  • Over course of the campaign, the following combined statistics were recorded:

    Over 1400 people were spoken to about Finery.

    Over 1125 shoppers sampled the product.

Bavaria 0.0% Non-Alcoholic Beer

In-Store Product Sampling

  • The Generalist Promo represented Bavaria 0.0% in New World and Pak n Save stores Nationwide.

    A total of 30 x 4.5hr sessions were completed in five regions around the country. This resulted in a total of 135 demonstration hours undertaken in total.

    The Bavaria 0.0% activation gave shoppers the opportunity to be introduced to the popular 0.0% range. Price promos were running in some stores and the price point of 0.0% in general was considered a good price which was helpful in converting samples into sales.

  • Over the promo period, the following statistics were recorded:

    Over 2300+ customers spoken to in-store

    Over 2100 x 0.0% samples given to customers

McCain Rustica Pizza | Woolworths NZ

In-Store Product Sampling

  • The Generalist Promo represented McCain Rustica at Woolworths stores Nationwide. In-Store demonstrations took place from 22nd February to 11th April 2024.

    A total of 70 x Countdown sessions were completed. This resulted in a total of 52 different Countdown stores and 280 demonstration hours undertaken in total.

    The Rustica Pizza Countdown Feb 2024 campaign gave shoppers the opportunity to be introduced or reacquainted with the delicious Rustica Pizza range.

    Over 70 sessions, there were 9602 Rustica Pizza samples given to customers.

    50% OFF vouchers were given to customers which proved to be an amazing selling tool for this campaign.

  • Over 70 sessions, there were 9602 Rustica Pizza samples given to customers.

    Campaign Sales Conversion: 36%


Outdoor Product Sampling

  • The Generalist Promo represented myrkl at various popular outdoor locations across Auckland City. Our brand ambassadors wore angel wings and a halo to attract attention and look as if they were Angel’s giving away a miracle supplement – myrkl!

    The myrkl outdoor sampling gave members of the public the opportunity to be introduced to this exciting new product that has hit the New Zealand market.

    Free sample packs myrkl were handed out to people at Auckland’s Viaduct, Britomart and Ponsonby Road.

  • Over 4900 people were spoken to about myrkl.

    A total of 5,000 sample packs were handed out.

    Very few people were familiar with myrkl, but many were very excited about it after hearing more information and were eager to try it!

Fisherman’s Friend

Outdoor Product Sampling

  • The Generalist Promo represented Fisherman’s Friend at various popular outdoor locations across Auckland.

    Brand ambassadors wore a branded usherette tray which held the samples which enabled them to be able to have their hands free while engaging with the public.

    The Fisherman’s Friend outdoor sampling gave members of the public the opportunity to be introduced or reacquainted with the brand.

    Free sample packs of the Peppermint Flavoured mints were handed out to people at Auckland parks, beaches, concerts and busy hot-spots.

  • Over course of the activation, the following statistics were recorded:

    Over 6000 people were spoken to about Fisherman’s Friend.

    Estimated 12,000 sample packs were handed out.

    Most people were familiar the Fisherman’s Friend brand and were really excited to take a free sample.

Tongue n’ Cheek Holy Aioli

Outdoor Product Sampling

  • The Generalist Promo represented Tongue n Cheek Holy Aioli at various popular outdoor locations across Auckland.

    Brand ambassadors wore a branded usherette tray which held the samples and discount vouchers and enabled them to be able to have their hands free while engaging with the public.

    The Tongue n Cheek Holy Aioli outdoor sampling gave members of the public the opportunity to be introduced to the brand.

    Free sample packs of the Original Flavoured Holy Aioli alongside a $1 off voucher to encourage purchase, were handed out to people at Auckland parks, beaches, concerts and busy hot-spots.

  • Over course of the activation, the following statistics were recorded:

    Over 3500 people were spoken to about Tongue n Cheek Holy Aioli.

    Estimated 8,000 sample packs were handed out.

    Very few people were familiar with the TnC Holy Aioli brand but many were interested in taking samples and vouchers. Towards the end of the activation more people were familiar with the brand and were keen to purchase in store.


WOW Outdoor Product Sampling

  • The Generalist Promo represented Graze Good Snacks at Wellington’s Waterfront, mainly targeting members of the public heading to the World of Wearable Art’s Show.

    Brand ambassadors wore a branded usherette tray which held the samples and discount vouchers and enabled them to be able to have their hands free while engaging with the public.

    The Graze outdoor sampling gave members of the public the opportunity to be introduced to the brand.

    Free sample packs of the Graze Berry Dusted Chocolate Almonds were handed out which also had a $1 OFF coupons attached to the bottom of the packet to encourage purchase at store level.

  • During the campaign, the following statistics were recorded

    Over 15,000 people were spoken to

    Approximately 20,000 Skinny Dipped Almonds were given to Wellington locals and visitors.

Finery 0.0% Sparkling Cocktails

Outdoor Product Sampling

  • The Generalist Promo represented Finery 0.0% Cocktails at various popular outdoor locations across Auckland City. Our brand ambassadors wore white branded caps and t-shirts while pulling a chilly bin each full of Finery 0.0% Spritz cans to hand out to members of the public.

    The Finery outdoor sampling gave members of the public the opportunity to be introduced Finery 0.0% Cocktails.

    Free cans of product were handed out to people at Auckland’s Viaduct, Britomart and Ponsonby Road along with a $2.50 OFF coupon to encourage purchase at store level.

  • Over 4 days of outdoor sampling sessions the following statistics were recorded:

    Roughly 1200 people were spoken to about Finery.

    Just over 1900 cans of Finery 0.0% were handed out to members o the public.

McCain Rustica Pizza

Westfield Mall Product Activation

  • The Generalist Promo represented McCain Rustica Pizza at Westfield Albany Mall in Auckland.

    The interactive activation achieved outstanding results and shoppers were eager to be part of the action.

    The New World Albany supermarket reported a huge uplift in sales of Rustica Sourdough pizzas over the seven day period and they supported the promotional activity completely. Customers were coming back to the Rustica kiosk saying that New World had sold out of stock!

  • Over the seven day period, the following statistics were recorded:

    1,100 pizzas served

    17,600 slices sampled

    18,000 + customers spoken to

    10,000 $2 off coupons given to shoppers

NOM Mochi Bites & Double Dipped Almonds

Westfield Mall Product Activation

  • The Generalist Promo represented NOM at Westfield Albany in Auckland. The interactive activation achieved outstanding results and shoppers were eager to sample the new NOM phenomenon.

    Westfield Albany was a perfect location for NOM to undertake their second mall sampling activation as it was an ideal place to attract new NOM customers.

    Many customers were coming back to the NOM kiosk after trying a sample, saying that they had gone on to purchase NOM from a supermarket.

  • Over 11,500 NOM Mochi sampled (compared to 16,200 at Newmarket)

    Over 10,900 NOM Double Dipped Almonds sampled (compared to 14,700 at Newmarket)

    10,000 + customers spoken to (compared to 12,000 at Newmarket)

    Estimated over 8000 $1 off coupons given to shoppers

NOM Outdoor Activation

Brand Activation

  • From Dec 20th – 25th 2021, The Generalist Promo undertook an outdoor campaign to introduce the public to the new range of NOM Mochi and Double Dipped Almonds.

    The interactive activation achieved fantastic results and everyone was  eager to try the phenomenal new NOM products.

    The team were out and about all over busy hot spots throughout  Auckland in a branded vehicle with a branded trailer attached full of product samples.

  • Over the five day period, the following statistics were recorded:

    2500 Retail Boxes of Mochi Sampled

    Over 15,000 individual Mochi sampled

    Over 6000 25g sample packs of Double Dipped Almonds Sampled

    Over 9000 people spoken to

    9000 $1 off coupons given out